Indigenous Employees contribute 1,000 Person Years of Employment to AFDE’s Site C GSS Project
AFDE Acknowledges that our Project is being undertaken on the Traditional Territory of the Dane-zaa people, and the Treaty Lands of the Treaty 8 First Nations. We thank these Communities for their collaboration and support in the execution of this work.
At our workforce peak in July of this year, over 365 Indigenous individuals were employed on-site by AFDE and our subcontractors. Occupying positions across the employment spectrum – from entry level to senior management – our Indigenous employees have accounted for more than 1,000 Person Years of Employment over the life of our project. This represents a tremendous contribution towards the completion of the Site C Generating Station & Spillways!
Many of our Indigenous employees have taken advantage of apprenticeship opportunities, accounting for up to 30% of the Apprentices on our work. Given the duration of our Project, several have been able to complete the Work-Based Training hours requirements for their apprenticeships – and they have been able to do so under the guidance and mentorship of AFDE’s leaders – the very best in the industry!
Site C has been described as a “generational” or “legacy” project. At AFDE, we haven’t just built Hydroelectric Infrastructure – we have built the careers of the next Generation of construction professionals, by building bridges into communities. That will certainly be part of our Legacy.
This is Reconciliation in Action!
Truth & Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action 92. ii:
“Ensure that Aboriginal peoples have equitable access to jobs, training, and education opportunities in the corporate sector…”