AFDE attends the Fort St. John Tradeshow

For the last five years, AFDE has had a significant presence in the PRRD and especially Fort St. John, as we’ve been building the Generating Station & Spillways for BC Hydro’s Site C Clean Energy Project. We’ve worked hard to ensure that our impact has been a positive one.
It was a pleasure to attend the Fort St. John Tradeshow on April 14 – 16. We had an opportunity to showcase our work to many old friends and new faces – local residents, First Nations, employees, vendors, and other community leaders.
One of the highlights was when this young athlete showed up at the Grizzlies Lacrosse booth next to ours….sporting his AFDE sponsored Practice Jersey 😊!!
And Ember the Fox, BC Wildfire Service’s new mascot, came by to say “Hi” and and take a photo.